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Vignettes /Greater Winnipeg / Garry-Osborne

Roslyn Court Apartments

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In 1996 this structure was recognized by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada as one of the country’s finest apartment buildings in the Queen Anne Revival style of architecture. Roslyn Court Apartments originated during a period of rapid economic and physical growth in Winnipeg which had given rise to affluent suburbs such as Fort Rouge and Crescentwood on the south side of the Assiniboine River.

This is where the large single-family homes of Winnipeg’s business, professional and political elites were found. This is also where most of the city’s pre-1915 luxury apartment blocks were.





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Year Built Heritage Status Date Material Floors/Square footage
1908-1909 NHS, 1996

Queen Anne Revival style architecture, red brick and limestone.

5 storeys

Original Use Present Use Address Architect
Apartments Apartments 40 Osborne Street W.W. Blair


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